Donald Trump's Election is a Threat to Humanity

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Donald Trump has been democratically elected as the next President of the United States. His election will have far-reaching effects on many aspects of life, both within the U.S. and worldwide. These effects are likely to be devastating for large segments of the global population.

As people in Europe woke up on Wednesday morning, many were shocked to learn that Donald Trump had been elected as the next U.S. President by a wide margin. Including me.

Trump’s election feels as though it comes from a parallel world, one where lies, hate, and racism are rewarded. His re-election is so far from what many consider normal that people are struggling to articulate their feelings about it. Including me.

Trump is Uniquely Unqualified

Donald Trump displays a unique set of disqualifying traits for a leader. He lacks the attention span needed for leadership and, when previously in office, didn’t read intelligence briefings. He routinely ignored his advisors, leaving him unable to make sound decisions, even if he wanted to.

His cognitive decline is masked only by his habitual inability to form a coherent sentence.

Donald Trump is uniquely unqualified for the role of President of the United States.

Trump is Dangerous

Donald Trump and those he surrounds himself with are dangerous. He has encouraged domestic terrorists, withheld vital military aid to Ukraine over a personal vendetta, and repeatedly attacked journalists and the free press. He has actively incited violence against journalists he disagrees with.

Furthermore, he regularly threatens the healthcare of Americans, and his choice for health minister promotes dangerous conspiracy theories. His stance on abortion and healthcare for women has already led to deaths. Women seeking elective abortion have suffered, and those needing medical care for miscarriages have died due to abortion bans in certain states.

His violent rhetoric led to one of the darkest days in U.S. democratic history with the Capitol attack. He should have been held accountable for his role in inspiring that attack, and has since backpedalled on his weak condemnation. Referring to January 6 as a “day of love” is not only a gross misrepresentation but also shows an alarming refusal to address the violence he incited.

Trump’s actions, rhetoric, and failure to hold himself or his associates accountable make him dangerous.

Trump’s Actions Kill People

Donald Trump is not only dangerous; his actions actively harm and kill. During the January 6 riots he inspired, at least seven people died. His administration executed 13 people, contrary to the norms of most democratic countries and the strong opposition of the European Union. Amnesty International describes the death penalty as “cruel, inhuman, and degrading”.

His reluctance to support Ukraine in its defence against Russia puts Ukrainian civilians in greater danger. His policies will destabilise the global landscape, particularly in the Middle East, and endanger Palestinian lives.

Trump’s actions have already caused countless deaths worldwide. His re-election only further endangers marginalised populations.

Trump is a Threat to Global Security and Responsible for the Erosion of International Institutions

Trump’s approach to global relations threatens the security frameworks and international organisations that underpin global stability. His past disregard for NATO, his threats to withdraw from vital agreements, and his undermining of organisations like the UN weaken the very institutions that keep peace and order. By straining these alliances, Trump destabilises decades of cooperation, creating power vacuums and encouraging aggressive moves from adversarial nations.

European countries, which have often looked to the U.S. as a partner in diplomacy and security, now face an increasingly unpredictable America. Trump’s rejection of multilateralism not only strains international bonds but risks isolating the U.S. from the allies it depends on, while shifting the burden of defence and crisis management to other nations. This erosion of international norms is deeply troubling for Switzerland, a country that values diplomacy and neutrality in the face of global challenges.

Trump’s approach to global relations undermines key international institutions and alliances, creating instability and encouraging aggressive actions from adversarial nations. This erosion of norms and institutions poses a serious challenge to global peace and security.

Trump’s Election is an Indictment of the American People

The 2024 election of Donald Trump was fair and democratic; he is the rightful winner. A majority of the U.S. electorate voted for him. This choice was made by the American people, who knowingly embraced another Trump presidency.

Political disagreements are common in any democracy, often over taxes, welfare, or military spending. However, the 2024 election was unique in that these issues seem irrelevant. Supporting Trump cannot simply be attributed to tax policy preferences when he represents hate, racism, and a profound threat to democracy itself.

By voting for Trump, people knowingly endorsed division and racism. They cheer as he threatens the foundation of democracy. Supporting Trump is not about single-issue policies; it is a vote for hate, division, and racism.

Donald Trump’s 2024 election is a profoundly disqualifying indictment of the American people and society. The failure to prevent his return to office is a failure of media, education, and civic responsibility.

Standing in Solidarity

As someone living in Europe, watching from across the Atlantic, I want to express my unwavering support for everyone a renewed Trump presidency endangers. In Europe, we recognise that the United States holds a unique and influential role on the world stage. Decisions made in the U.S. inevitably echo across borders, affecting countless lives globally and often setting trends in human rights, environmental policies, and economic stability.

To all the immigrants, LGBTQ+ individuals, people of colour, women, and all marginalised communities whose rights and safety are at risk, I want to say the following: I will stand with you.

From Switzerland and throughout Europe, we must amplify our voices to support those in the U.S. fighting for truth, justice, and democracy. In these uncertain times, it is more essential than ever to join together in resistance and protect the shared values that bind us. Together, we can support one another, ensuring that our collective humanity endures, regardless of political shifts or borders.

Tags: Democracy, Human Rights, Politics, Solidarity