The weather is going crazy and I'm going on holidays

, 3 minutes to read

I don’t know what’s happening with the weather lately, but it seems like it’s having an identity crisis. 

Just last week, it was so cold that I was seriously considering digging out my winter coat. You know, the one that’s so thick it could double as a duvet? But then, out of nowhere, the temperature shot back up, and suddenly, it’s warm enough that all I need is a light jacket or even just a jumper. It feels like the seasons are playing musical chairs and nobody knows when to stop. One day, I’m freezing in my jacket, the next day, I’m sweating in a jumper.

Honestly, it’s hard not to think that climate change is part of what’s making everything less predictable. I mean, I grew up expecting autumn to follow a certain rhythm: the days gradually getting shorter, the air turning crisp, leaves changing colours, and eventually, the first frosty mornings hinting that winter was on the way. But now, it feels like the weather is all over the place. Summers bleed into autumn, with occasional heatwaves sneaking in when we’re supposed to be reaching for scarves. It’s like Mother Nature can’t quite remember what time of year it’s supposed to be anymore.

To add to the chaos, I’m heading off on holiday soon. Packing is already hard enough when you’re trying to fit everything into a single bag, but it’s even trickier when the forecast can’t seem to make up its mind. Do I bring the heavy stuff just in case? Or risk it and pack light, hoping that a jacket will be enough? There’s only so much room in a bag, and I’d rather not end up wearing half my wardrobe at the same time just to avoid frostbite. And let’s be honest, wearing three sweaters at once isn’t exactly my idea of comfort (or fashion for that matter).

The solution, as always, seems to be layers. The old reliable advice that everyone’s mum probably gave them at some point. Layers let you add or shed warmth as needed, which is precisely what you want when the weather can’t commit. Wear a t-shirt under that jumper, and throw a jacket on top—easy enough to peel off one layer when it gets warmer, or pile them all on when the wind starts to bite again. I’ve found that the real trick is getting the right combination: nothing too bulky, but warm enough when combined. And, of course, a scarf—because even when you think you don’t need one, somehow, you always do.

I’m also really hoping to see some beautiful autumn colours on this trip, you know, those perfect shades of red, orange, and yellow that look like they’ve come straight out of a postcard. But with the weather playing its little tricks, I can’t help but wonder if I’ll just end up with a soggy mix of brown leaves and drizzle instead. The idea of walking through a park filled with colourful leaves sounds much better than trudging through rain with my hood up, hoping my shoes don’t get soaked. I guess I’ll just have to pack for both possibilities—hoping for the best but bracing for the worst.

In a way, I suppose all this unpredictability has its kind of beauty. Sure, it’s annoying when you don’t know whether to take an umbrella or sunscreen, but there’s something oddly charming about being surprised by a sunny afternoon in the middle of October. Even if climate change is making the weather more unpredictable, there’s still some magic left in the little moments when nature does something unexpected. But if I’m being honest, I’d settle for a bit more consistency—and hopefully a few days of perfect autumn weather on my holiday.

Tags: Environmentalism, Outdoor, Travel, Weather